solari's photo collections

i used a for my digital photos. otherwise, all digital photos are taken on iPhone.

for film photography, I have used both my dad's old Minolta and an automatic camera purchased at a garage sale. i'll post specs soon : )

border legend

canon rebel



from my time in Buenos Aires and Montevideo. i was very lonely there, but made some friendships i think about often
taken June 2019 - August 2019
beautiful sunset
taken on 08.jun.24
went camping somewhere in AZ, very nice and chill. i love the little white flowers that was growing around the place.
found a bug buddy too! a friend told me it is a "robberfly"... first time i hear of them and see them.
my mom's dog toby cameo. he's ugly but also cute.
will post the scanned fujifilm pics at a later date!
taken on 01.jun.24
chillin' on top of a car. dick face...
butterflies :D
butterflies make me so happy
visited a rose garden before they died during the summer! it smelled so lovely. i felt like the little prince
taken on: 05.jun.24
cat shrinecat shrine
a shrine for a cat, saw this at my uni campus >︿<
taken on: 19.jan.24
instant film mizu :3
one day i bought a cheap (i think, it was like 60 dollars or something) polaroid telescope. mostly just used it to look at the moon. the thing didn't take pictures so i put my phone's camera on the eyehole to get this pic. one of my fav pics ever
abandoned car
on my airplane ride to puerto rico
from my time volunteering at Condon Elementary School
taken April 2019
my little garden
taken on 01.jul.24
my phone started overheating at the rose garden so i started taking pics with my 3DS LOL... i do like how they turned out tbh. the 3D effect also turned out pretty good too!
taken on 05.jun.24
a little pond
taken on 21.mar.24
while on my walk, i stopped to take a pic of these flowers. when i bend down to take the pic, i noticed the lil caterpillar underneath the leaf :3 what a cutie. taken on 02.dec.23
MUSHROOMS!!!! i haven't seen mushrooms growing in the wild in so long, it makes me sad.
beach! i love going to the beach
taken in arizona. i was in a ghost town tourist attraction thing.
i love taking pics of sunsets as you will see
scan of a tin type Alex and I had done on Halloween in Providence!
October 31 2019
went down a river.
taken on 08.jun.24
there's this cat called misty that visits me every once in a while. she's very cute! i got her name from her collar. it has a little bell which is perfect because it let's me know when she's by and i always open the door so i can give her some pets. good cat.
taken on 19.apr.24
one day i got out of the house and there were a ton of butterflies around.
me when i go outside and see wonderful creatures like bees and butterflies

i love going outside. everyone, lets go outside.
mizu on a tree, what will he do. i remember i took this one at 6am as i was about to catch the bus for school.