my first blog post he he04.mar.25 rainy 
tuesday is dragging on... the office is stuffy and hot and dry. my sinuses are sufffering. i was so sleepy this morning, i bought an iced latte and around 10:30 went back out to buy a cold brew. it's been rough.
i cried on the bus thinking about abuela yesterday. i cry on the bus ride home at least once a week at this point, but more like 2-3 times a week. i think it's because it's the only place i'm alone from anyone else i know. at home, at the office, my programming won't let me cry. but on the bus, there's sensory overload coupled with the well of grief already in me. it all explodes like a geyser and i get sweaty.
my manager is out until tomorrow after lunch. we're all pretty sure he was suspended because he's an alcoholic. the leading theory was he did an out patient rehab program. i want to be wrong because obviously that's terrible, but also if we are wrong then oh boy does nobody think highly of him... i wonder if he did anything like this with his old team that all moved on to positions at the county...
i honestly hope he does come back because he's so chill (to a fault)... if he leaves we're definitely going to get a hard ass for a manager.
i'm so happy to be learning all this html stuff, but i feel bad i'm stealing people's code to build my site. i've been crediting everyone in my files, and also, it's been a genuinely super helpful way to learn bc even though i'm copying code, i still have to heavily edit it to suit my needs. i'm really excited to see how my blog continues to grow with time.
i'm getting a haircut today!another $200 in debt!
yes... but i really really need one! my hair has been disgusting and so i am grateful for the refresh i'm going to feel after tonight. Robyn is an amazing curly hair stylist.