friday after first band practice :0 14.mar.25 rainy 
it's friday!!!!!!! holy crap!!!! am I happy to see it!! we had our first band practice last night :O holy crap I had so much fun! i was kinda stressed the whole time... it is super vulnerable to play music with new people. but it was a really reassuring environment, i was there with my love and my homies. my homies included 2 of my buds since mdidle school and one of their godfathers, who has so quickly become a homie as well. i'm so grateful for this group of friends i've found myself a part of.
everyone is at different ability levels, but that doesn't matter at all. we all supported each other thru the songs we tried to play until we could all figure it out. we played the randomest covers possible it has me giggling thinking about it. we played Baby You're A Rich Man by The Beatles (Jonathan's suggested cover), When You Sleep by MBV (my suggested cover, obviously) and then ended on Amie by Pure Prarie League (Joaquin's suggested cover). we did pretty well!! next week will be evem better
although i am suer excited about the band right now and i think everyone else is too, i'm worries the novelty will fade away faster for others. i wonder how long this band will last...
i really want to just play music all the time, and it's such great additional motivaton to have a schedule and specific people to play with regularly. however, because the set up is so tenuous, i recognize the need for me to build some independence and discipline. if i want to play music, i have to do it myself, regardless of whether other people follow thru or not.